"Fifty thousand bumblebees will be honored in a memorial this weekend at the Wilsonville Target where a majority of the insects died. State officials directly linked the die-off to trees that had been sprayed with the insecticide Safari. "
What do you think?
Money well spent?
Money well spent?
Honor well Shared?
I think about our fallen and wounded soldiers
and their families
(and not just in the US)
I think about genocide and persecution of people around the world
I think about the millions of babies aborted each year.
I care about animals
And even bees.
But never should they be above humans
Human Life is Sacred and should be cherished.
Animals are to be cared for as we are called upon God to be good stewards of the Earth.
Agreed, that is part of the point I presented in my Peta post.
ReplyDeletecan you post on the Mcdonalds restaraunt? cause it kills animals to make Mcdonalds product it also makes my countrires people obese its disguisting to me...
Umm...most food places have killed animals. It is needed for food.
DeleteI just see it as:
Humans first, cuz I am 1.
I will eat animals to survive, since it is my nature anyhow.
I look up on it rather at no religious point of view, for those who might not be christian. (I am christian but it wouldnt be too fair for others who aren't. I try and look in all perspectives...JUST SAYING! I'm not trying to offend anyone! Dont take it in a bad way! :$ )
But yah, how I see it, it depends on what species you are. If your a dog, a dog would try and kill you, but (going by scientific tests) a cat is more likely to eat/kill you first. A dog is more likely to be loyal until the end. Whereas, if your human like we are, you are more likely to kill an animal rather than a person.
Just my perspective :)
If I did offend anyone by mistake, I didn't mean to! I seem to do that sometimes by mistake. But Im only human. We all make mistakes.
Oh yah! I'm gonna be re-starting my dog blog soon, and since you guys like animals I thought maybe you would like to help author. Its a suggestion.
Yup, McDonalds kills animals like cows and chickens. If they killed things like dogs then we have a problem there but they don't so they're fine.
DeleteThey even have real meat like chicken breast and stuff so it's not even processed food. O3O
Animals have to be killed to get meat. Whether or not they are treated humanely is the question.
DeleteIn response to Anonymous, the only reason we'd be upset about dogs and not cows is because we've romanticized dogs as companion animals. I love dogs and I'd think about my Lady if I ate dog meat, but in some countries dog meat is a regular food. I don't see how a dog is worth more in the eyes of God than a chicken, pig, or cow. Studies are also showing that pigs are one of the most intelligent animals, more intelligent than dogs.
If it wasn't for bees, there would be practically NO food. They're the carriers of pollen, & without them a lot of plants would not exist.
ReplyDeleteI like Bumblebees. Ive saved a few before :)
Yeah, but she was talking about if we should spend hundreds of dollars on a memorial service for bees.
DeleteYou both have points.
DeleteBees certainly deserve respect.
It does go a little far, though, to spend that much money on a memorial service for bees. There are much worthier causes, I admit.
But that does not mean that people should not realise the danger bees are in due to pesticides, and all the things they do for you!
There would be no wounded soldiers anyway if it wasn't for the bees, small as they are....
also no aniamls huamns are the most powerfulu animals ever i wish we were not
ReplyDeletenot really catching onto what u said... O.o
DeleteCnt understand that text or typos. soz
Let me try to translate..
DeleteAlso no animals humans are the most powerful animal ever I wish we were not.
Don't under stand the first part...
Humans are the most powerful animals ever, I wish we were not.
okie... thx. :)
Deletei knew it was sumthin like that. even to just put in a full-stop! /./
so hard 2 understand sum ppl.
ReplyDeleteYes, he is, but you can easily avoid then and live with them in harmony. Just read up on it.
DeleteFor one thing, bees don't bite. They sting.
DeleteBut they are also the reason why you and your brother exist. There would be pretty much NO FOOD if it wasn't for bees.
My friends did a help for paws thing at school 2 :3 but it was then called help for pawz because people already owned the name paws.
ReplyDeleteThat's great!
DeleteMoney spent on a MEMORIAL for bees = not worthy
ReplyDeleteMoney spent on SAVING bees = worthy